Another Bank Holiday!!!

Families, this is almost over, and we have a mix of feelings that can’t be explained in words.

Sometimes we don’t want to come back home because we are having such a great time these last few days. Sometimes we miss you so much that we could catch a plane instantly… But, what we all agree on is that we are so happy because we have already taken the exam that had us so nervous, and IT WENT GREAT!!!

We had to wake up very early; the bus picked us up at 8:30 in the morning, and some of us almost missed it. We arrived in Dublin around 10:30, and can you imagine what the journey was like?

Some of us were reviewing, others were sleeping, some were just repeating how nervous we were, and others were practicing the oral presentation… An unforgettable trip.

Once there, half of the group started with the written part. We had to write about the reading book and others about an article. Meanwhile, the other half of the group was doing the oral presentation in pairs. Our examiner was charming and very friendly. At first, we were a bit intimidated, but we quickly calmed down when we started talking with her.

We had lunch together, and again I ask you: Can you imagine the moment when we all had finally finished the exam? I think we did everything but eat. Moreover, we were super excited because we would then go shopping for souvenirs.

So, we took the train and headed to the shopping center, Stephen’s Green. There, we met Loreto, the same girl who welcomed us at the airport, and we divided into small groups based on what we wanted to buy.
I think we all managed to buy almost everything on our lists, and if not, we still have this week and the day at the airport.

Surely, we will come back home well-loaded.

This week will be light, as it coincides with the end of the school year; some schools are going on excursions, today is a bank holiday, and on Friday most schools are closed because of the elections… So, it will fly by.

I hope you are enjoying our posts! We look forward to seeing you next week with the last one!!!
A big hug.